____It's been a long time since the last time i went to my aunty's house to see her made donuts...hahaa.. so yesterday i went to her house to eat donut!!haha...Here's the photos : -
First,make the shape u want...hahaa.. but not too many shape, cause its hard to fry later..so just got the original shape is better..
Second, wait it until the “面粉膨胀”. As u can see the first photos the donuts still thin like paper.. hehe!!
oh, u also can make it like number 8 shape. it's easy to fry and eat too.. hehe..
many 8 ya!! hahaa... can play mates..haha
8888... good number!hahaa..
Ta da!!! pour around 3kg oil to deep fry the donuts! za za~~ then it become fat fat one...
Then turn a side after few mins, until it turn into yellow gold colour.. and it will be very crispy!! crunchy...not until crunchy la!!!hahaa~
afterthat, take it up and wait the oil dry (lausy description)(*laugh)ahahhaa!!
Put inside a basket, and put newspaper on the base to dry the oil...hahaaha... sorry for poor english ah!
wait it until cold, cause when it still hot can't put sugar yet it will melt..
Put inside a plastic bag after cold...
Lastly,put sugar into the plastic bag, but actually also can dip it into the sugar.
Here's the sugar power...
after dip it into the sugar power it will look like this.. deng deng deng deng, can eat already... yum!________Mooncake festival coming soon, so mum start to make some soft ice mooncake ( 冰皮 ).. Here's with photos too..
Ready the shape tools to made mooncake. Or others shape u like..it's fine too.*BEFORE*

After mixed with all ingredient(flour,water,sugar,white butter,colouring*any colour u Like), then make it into round to fix into the shape tools...
Here's the FLour...hehe!!! = )
Making of the ice mooncake(in process)...haha!put into flour..*AFTER*

Ta da~~~ successful... cute one! (mini one)
Here's the BIG one...
Wish everyOne in advanced "HappY mOonCaKe FesTiVaL" = )
where's my Doughnuts? and moon cake?!
hahaa.. wan me post laju for u? = P
wah.. i want the mooncake. can't remember the last time i had a bite anymore.
haha... when u back home,mum will made it for u!! = P
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