Before my revision start today,
Just wanna write a post, tomorrow will
post up the Lovely Chocolate Honey+peanuts
Birthday cake i baked for the special someone's birthday
on 05 June. special friend of mine. =) Hope he enjoy his birthday,
i will post him amsg in facebook or msn, last but not
least. Wish u Happy advance birthday!
Enjoy your special Day!
Here's some of the photo i edited.
i felt so happy with them
Hope you all enjoy
it too!! =)
so much, Colourful Butterflies
and water colour paints!

Jungle feel, with animals that
in the movie, they are
so cute!

i got it from coles? i forgot, no need to cook
just put into oven and baked for about
35minutes. and tada!! Ready to
eat. Yummy~~~

yeah~ i don't know where is it?... Just one
of the effect i selected. Hmmph.... I would edit
more when i learn more photoshop
or corel draw skill from Sunshine.
Anyway, Enjoy yourself!
Hahahaa~ Obama and my Lovely salmon Fishy~ haha,
i bought the fresh salmon yesterday
it's so fresh and delicious!!
EAT~ =)
1 comment:
Very Nice! Keep it up~
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