1. I like to repeat the song i like again, again and again until i feel bored then i will change it.
2. Sometimes, Like to be alone, be emo.
3. I always try hard for what i really want to achieve.
4. I'm trying not to tell lies when it's necessary.
5. I don't like lady fingers!

6. I'm right-handed, but i love and always use left hand to do stuffs.
7. I Hate Sun but survived well in Malaysia because of Air-conditional.
8. I Like to play excited games, like: Roller Coaster, Air Force 1, pirate ship,
space shot, bungee jump, surfing!
9. I've Never been to casino.
10. Nothing is important, except you own it!
11. I miss wendy
12. I hate to repeat the same things more than 3 times.
13. Addicted to chocolates and ice-cream and eat a lots anytime,anywhere.
14. I want to go shopping!!
15. I'm trying my best to practice and speak english without accent.
16. Happy birthday to my Little cousin Agnes! Hugs... her birthday on 16 of Feb.
17. Seriously, I need to get rid of stay up late at night time.
18. I miss to eat "rojak" at krokop 5, miri!!
19. I plan to buy a HP printer pretty soon.
20. I'm listening to the song 面包的滋味 by 林依晨.
21. I've already collect 6 out of 10 celebrity designed metcard.
22. I miss to go church at my hometown.
23. Last few days i just finished the movie "Love or Bread" by 郑元畅 and Ariel Lin.
24. I drink milk, almost everyday.
25. I keep long nail just because i love nail art!
Im going to tag meng, Hui yee, Janice, Willy, Flora, Jing, Ivy, Mark, Joanne wen, Shirley, ally, blue angel, Rindra, sunny, adriana, Qianta, and anyone like to do this. = )