Half way of BBQ, yummy yummy Lamb,hotdogs to eat!!!
Wow!!! yummy rite?hahaa...I was too busy for the month of november, starting of november i had exam then back to home to attend my sis's weeding and before that i had BBQ party with cousin and friends. Very Fun! and
MY 21st birthday coming sOOn on this 13th of December, wonder how i celebrate, first of all... i must go buy a cake for myself!! i Love the cakes here!!! so if got any other get me cakes then i will have more than one... Hopefully.. *dreaming* Hahahaa!!
When the weeks of before my sis wedding, all of my family are busy getting ready of all stuff that needed for the day, and busy for trying gaun for the dinner, and i'm so excited cause its the first time i become bridesmaid... Overall, so so Happy!! just my bro can't attend,wish he were there!
me and my Pretty Sis...
LoveLy CoupLe is coming... so eXcited!!!
Wedding Ceremony in church... Everyone is coming to the church very early and waiting for the brides and sing some songs to wish and blessed for the new couple. " True Love never ends" Best wishes for them! my LoveLy sis and Caring Bro-in-Law!
PrinCess sNowLin...hahaa!! = DAfter got back to Oz... miss the cold weather... so nice! i Love it!!
the Nice View in Sunbury~ Natural! Fresh Air!!___ New classmates very nice, except one..sigh! haha... and another elective class they are very friendly... but got bit dissappointed cause dint same class with some ppl.. hehe.. but its fine we still can meet around campus! this week i'm busying for assignment and homeworks... cause after 2weeks will have exam and X'mas Holidays is arOund the corner after exam!! so excited, still planning what to do when X'mas holiday~ so when X'mas, i'll upload more photos and update my blog too... so EveryOne enjoy Ur time and Jia You!! = )