still got snow white one... very creative!!
First ready tuna... or any raw fish u like...

then cucumber, carrot and avocado~


take the acovado out...haha!!!

then very easy one...

Put the japanese cooked rice on it~

then like this ( i know someone is complaint-ing now about the way of making)haha!!

Finish!!! yummMMM~~

Got 2 types one is rice inside one is outside~

hahahaa~ ready to serve and eat! BITE~~

i think this is champagne

Very sleepy already~ sighh... almost everyday sleepy! i'm going to move house next month, please PRAY for me...please.. i can meet nice housemates.. thank you! God please bless me! amen!
i wanna sleep already... yawnnn* Good nite my dear readers~ have a nice day! cheers~